Kendall was invited to two birthday parties this weekend and she had so much fun. Both of them were at parks which was perfect considering the beautiful weather we had, both Saturday and Sunday. She had just woken up from a nap in these first swing pictures so she was a little slow to adjust. There were a lot of kids on the playground that she enjoyed watching as well.
The birthday party on Saturday was for my friend Tabitha’s little boy, Hayden. He turned ONE and we all celebrated at Somerset Point. Hard to believe in just three short months my little baby girl will also be one! Kendall had some firsts at Hayden’s party but I only was able to capture one. She put her little feet in the sand, tried macaroni and cheese and tasted a cupcake, well actually just the icing. She loved all three! The second birthday was for Miss Rilee, who turned five. We were at Gahagan park for her party. Kendall was even more excited to be in the swing and was wide awake this time. She found her shadow a few times which made her laugh, too cute! It was a little difficult to get some pictures while she was swinging, so please excuse the quality. I can’t wait to bring Kendall to the park more often for more swinging, slides, monkey bars (one day) and playing in the sand.
These videos really don’t do much justice to show how much fun she really had!!
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