Hard to believe my baby girl is nearing the ONE YEAR mark. This morning when I woke up and was getting ready for work, I thought to myself, “nine months ago at this time I was getting ready to head to the hospital to become a mommy.” It was one of the best mornings of my life to wake up and it has only gotten better and better each morning.
Each morning that I go to pick up Kendall from her bed, she greets me with a smile, sometimes so big I can see it around her pacifier. It starts my mornings off perfectly! She still does not have any teeth but her gummy smile makes me melt.We have been outside a lot lately with the cooler fall weather and she just loves it. Swinging on the swings has quickly become a favorite as well as just plain being outside. She doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to seeing all things outdoors. Lately, she has braved the grass and started crawling instead of just sitting when we are playing outside. She still doesn’t quite like to stand barefoot on the prickly grass for too long.
She has a blast when we go on walks. In the pictures below, I had my phone with me, trying to take some pictures. As you can see, I was plainly in her way, to the left and to the right. Obviously there was something she wanted to look during this point of the walk.
Thanks Aunt Michelle and Jack for letting me borrow your fall pumpkin shirt.
Kendall continues to do well at the babysitter’s house during the day and stays on the same schedule most days. Sometimes if the other kids are too loud, she doesn’t always get good naps. This never affects her though, as she crawls straight to me with the biggest smile when I pick her up and is ready to play with every ounce of energy she woke up with. Mrs. Margo (the babysitter) says she stays in a good mood and rarely cries which is comforting to hear.
This past month we haven’t added too many new foods. We are trying more finger foods but you aren’t liking too many of them right now. I am not sure if it is a taste or texture issue. You will pick up and eat Cheerios, animal crackers, Gerber cheese puffs and banana. I have tried a variety of other fruits, scrambled eggs, waffles and homemade mashed potatoes but you didn’t care for much of them. However you did try all of the above so I am not giving up yet. I know it will just take time for you to get used to something new. Thank you for trying everything without a fuss. You have kept with the same bottle schedule and continue with nursing at bedtime. You love to pull up on the coffee tables and couch and pat on them like a drum. When you are standing, you have started letting go to bend down and pick up a toy if you dropped it, squatting down to a sitting position or sitting down to crawl. If someone is holding your hand, you will walk, however no unassisted steps yet. No rush, baby girl! I need you to slow down with all of your development.
Time is drawing near that mommy and daddy are going to have to start planning your ONE YEAR birthday party. Unbelievable! You are growing into such a loving, happy go lucky, easy going baby. I often think back to the day you were born and I would have never thought my life could be so perfect with you as my daughter. I hold you every day just as tight as when the doctor first put you in my arms. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love your baby skin. I love your tiny fingers and toes. I love you with all my heart and soul, my love! I’m excited for our life together.
Mommy and Daddy
Look at her standing up! Good job, sweet girl! Happy 9 months!
Happy 3/4th year Kendall .....We love you....
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