Sunday, October 23, 2011

24 weeks

Six months!! Not much new to report. This pregnancy is a lot different then with Kendall in that I notice myself getting a little out of breath with sitting in different positions and sometimes walking.  Nothing that is too concerning just different.  It also seems as though Ethan is a lazy baby and just likes to hang out in his cozy home, for now.  He has just recently started kicking but not a lot and not near what Kendall did.  I know I have four months to go so we’ll see if he becomes more active or remains a lazy boy! Either way, I. LOVE. BABY KICKS (and punches).image                                                                                                        (please excuse the blurry, flash photo)

I wanted to keep with the idea of taking the monthly picture in the same place and in the same type of clothing, however that has not worked out.  Here are my first three pictures as a comparison. I’ll try to be more photogenic in the next four months. UGH! That’s all I’ll say!image

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