After multiple tries at the “best” picture, this is the best I could get of the front of Kendall’s shirt.And this is the back…
Kendall will have a brother or a sister around February 11, 2012. We are so excited and big sister is already aware that there is a baby in mommy’s belly. It is the cutest thing to see her kiss my belly!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Guess what?
Saturday, July 30, 2011
A summer morning
Kendall and I met Stryker, Rachel and Dan at Middleton Park this morning for a fundraising event. There was a clown, a jump castle, a water slide, a DJ and Kendall’s new favorite, snow cones. She and I split two of them, although the first one she wasn’t too sure about. When it was time for the second, she stood right next to me until it was all gone. Such a treat for a steamy summer day. (please excuse the scrape between her eyes, the toy won but she’s fine). Kendall tried the jump castle but it wasn’t long enough for me to get a picture. She was quick! Rachel got a new camera recently and this is a picture she took today. I love it!
Stryker had a blast on the water slide, with a little help from his daddy.
We braved the heat as long as we could and then headed home for some lunch and the A/C. Thanks for the fun play date, Gehlken’s. Can’t wait for the next one!
Monday, July 25, 2011
“Bounce, bounce!”
We went to visit Emory, Sullivan, Aunt Mollie and Uncle Randy yesterday and look what we came home with! Kendall LOVES it. She is into jumping, galloping, bouncing and dancing right now so you can imagine the joy that this mini trampoline brings to our girl! (side note, we will be padding this bar as soon as possible). We have to protect this sweet face and her newly developing teeth.Kendall is learning (and saying) a lot of words lately. This interpretation is “bounce, bounce, bounce” and then she says “Maaaamaaaa!” LOVE IT!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Eighteen month well check
We saw Dr. Nordby today and checked out with nothing but good news. She said Kendall was very advanced, had a great vocabulary and was growing right on track. She even made a comment that if she continues to grow so well that she will be very tall and skinny. Six foot, she said! I’m hoping she will be skinny and maybe 5’7” or 5’8”, not too short, not too tall.
Guess what else? Kendall has MORE teeth. I noticed one on Saturday, the top right, but didn’t get any pictures to make a post. I still don’t have pictures but they are there. The doctor was doing her exam and noticed five starting to come in right now. The bottom two outer, the top left and top back molars. Kendall said, “I waited long enough, I might as well get more than one two at a time!” I tried to get some pictures of miss priss but she did not want to be put down for very long at all. She was ready to go and was over the visit before it even started. She stood on the scale just long enough for a (blurry) picture and for the nurse to get her weight. Thankfully she cooperated for Dr. Nordby for most of her exam and only cried briefly during her two shots.
Height: 34 1/2 inches – 98th percentile
Weight: 24 pounds – 44th percentile
Head circumference: 47 centimeters – 63rd percentile
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Eighteen months old
Look how big my baby is getting! She looks so tall. Her most recent, newest, favorite thing is to eat Cheerios out of a tupperware container. She thinks she is hot stuff. “MINE” she says if you try to take it away or even help her to hold it upright. What a sweet face!
Kendall really enjoys puzzles and stickers right now. They keep her occupied for quite a bit of time. I love to watch her focus on what she is doing. She has learned many more animal sounds, which are the cutest thing to hear and I have been working on a few numbers and colors. Her vocabulary is growing and her little personality is flourishing. She is a hoot, I tell ya! Kendall still has two teeth and is quite the picky eater. The newest thing she will eat is cream cheese, either on a waffle or an English muffin. I am thankful for this.
Not much else to report with our munchkin. She goes for her eighteen month well check next Monday so we’ll see what her bill of health has to report.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July
Happy birthday America! Thank you to all of the service men and women for all you do and what you have done. We appreciate you today and always! We went to a fireworks show with some friends and Kendall had a blast. She said, “boom boom” a few times when she saw them in the sky. It was a late show for lil’ miss but there is just no such thing as the fourth of July without fireworks in my book. I love watching fireworks and I am glad Kendall does too.
We hope everyone had a great Independence Day weekend! Red, White and Blue!