Monday, July 11, 2011

Eighteen month well check

We saw Dr. Nordby today and checked out with nothing but good news.  She said Kendall was very advanced, had a great vocabulary and was growing right on track.  She even made a comment that if she continues to grow so well that she will be very tall and skinny.  Six foot, she said!  I’m hoping she will be skinny and maybe 5’7” or 5’8”, not too short, not too tall. 

Guess what else? Kendall has MORE teeth.  I noticed one on Saturday, the top right, but didn’t get any pictures to make a post.  I still don’t have pictures but they are there.  The doctor was doing her exam and noticed five starting to come in right now. The bottom two outer, the top left and top back molars.  Kendall said, “I waited long enough, I might as well get more than one two at a time!”  image I tried to get some pictures of miss priss but she did not want to be put down for very long at all.  She was ready to go and was over the visit before it even started.  She stood on the scale just long enough for a (blurry) picture and for the nurse to get her weight.  Thankfully she cooperated for Dr. Nordby for most of her exam and only cried briefly during her two shots.

                                                   Height: 34 1/2 inches – 98th percentile

                                                    Weight: 24 pounds – 44th percentile

                                     Head circumference: 47 centimeters – 63rd percentile

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