It was absolutely beautiful out today so we headed to Middleton Park to play. Kendall explored a lot of the parks equipment this visit. She found twirly things, spinning things, things she could push and pull and a climbing wall. She tried everything…to an extent. So. Much. Fun!! Daddy helped her get to the top of one of the slides, which she loved going down.
There are six slides at Middleton Park and I do believe lil’ miss found all but two to play on.
The sun caught this picture but I just love it, I had to share it.
We couldn’t leave without a few pushes in the swing. It brings a smile to her face every time!
As you can see, she was not into the camera. There were too many kids doing fun things.
We said bye-bye to the park after lots of running around and went to eat some lunch.
I am thankful we live so close to this park. Kendall LOVES to be outside and this park is perfect. We had such a fun time today and look forward to our next visit.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A day at the park
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Kendall & Sadie
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Twelve month photo shoot
What an exciting photo shoot this month! Kendall was all over the place, literally. Michelle took a road trip to Charleston with Jack and Sam on Thursday, so we put her to work while she was here. We decided to go to Middleton Park with the kiddos to burn some energy that Kendall and Jack had built up.
Kendall wasn’t as still as she has been in the previous months photo shoots, thanks to her two little legs that take her anywhere she wants to explore. Michelle and I ran in every direction possible trying to get her clothes changed, capture her smiles and get the right lighting. It was great exercise and lots of fun!
Thank you, thank you, again, to my wonderful sister for chasing my sweet girl around for her twelve month pictures! And thank you to my mom for playing with Jack and watching out for Sam while Michelle was preoccupied!
This first set of pictures was the longest she sat still the entire shoot.She played on the slide.
She played in the swing.
And tried the merry go round and part of the playground. So adventurous! LOVE. IT!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Too funny!
I have been teaching Kendall a few things and this is one of my favorites. Although guppies don’t exactly talk she at least knows what they ‘do!’ I love it!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Twelve month well check
Today was Kendall’s one year check up and it wasn’t like any other. She did not want to be there. I think from all of her previous well visits to the office, she has remembered what the doctor’s office is all about…getting shots. This was the first time she cried on the scale. She reached out for me and I wanted to pick her up so bad, poor baby.Once we were in the room, she was occupied with my phone before the doctor came in but only for a little bit. Even the fun exam paper couldn’t crack a smile from this one year old!
We didn’t get to see Dr. Nordby today so we saw Dr. Etheridge. Kendall didn’t know what to think when he walked in. She warmed up to him slightly until he had to do her exam. She didn’t want anything to do with him then. Dr. Etheridge gave Kendall a clean bill of health and even said she was very advanced in her motor skills, as she attempted to climb into the swivel chair that was in the room. Kendall got four shots, today and a finger stick to check her hemoglobin. She was an absolute pro with the finger stick (Hgb 11.9) but did not like the shots, of course. Overall, she had a good visit and we will go back again in three months for another well check.
Height: 32 inches – 97th percentile
Weight: 22 pounds – 70th percentile
Head circumference: 45 centimeters – 50th percentile
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Kendall’s Party….take two!
Michelle, of course, was my photographer for the party and I couldn’t have asked for a better favor for Kendall’s special day. Thanks to Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Adam for keeping Jack occupied during the party (Mark and Sam stayed at my parents since Sam is still so young). I am going to let the pictures do the talking since they pretty much explain the day! It was wonderful and Kendall did a fantastic job with all of the attention, singing, pictures and not to mention, NO nap! She was on her best behavior the entire party and headed to bed 30 minutes early that night! Way to go baby girl! Sorry in advance for the overload of pictures, they were all my favorite!
This is the sign and banner that welcomed our guests to the party. Lady bugs everywhere!Look how my baby has grown!!
Kendall had her very own smash cake and we had cupcakes and ice cream cups for our guests
Red and black was the theme….all around!
Thank you to all of our guest for coming. Sorry that we weren’t able to get pictures of all of you!
My sweet girl before cake.
She. Loved. The. Cake!
Proud parents….
And proud grandparents!
I love this picture of Kendall and Jack. It’s like she’s thinking “don’t touch my cake, buddy!”
Some sweet pictures of our family.
Kendall checking out a few of her gifts. She is so inquisitive!
These were the goodie bags I made for all of Kendall’s guests. I thought they turned out pretty cute. I also must brag and say I did make her hat as well. I tried my hand a creativity.
Thank you to all of our family and friends for helping to celebrate our baby girl turning one. We had a blast. Thank you to my mom for helping make the marshmallows, cookies and candies! Thank you to my sister for letting me borrow some bowls and vases and most importantly for all of these beautiful pictures. I love them, all! Thank you to Linda for getting the fruit and veggie trays. I wouldn’t have been able to get it all done without everyone’s help.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Kendall’s Party….sneak peek
Today we celebrated Kendall’s birthday with family and friends. My family surprised me with an early birthday present, a new camera, so I was able to take some pictures at the party. Thankfully, my sister took some pictures as well seeing as I was running around a lot. I’ll post more in another blog with more detail and better lighting.The professional photographer took a quick break to be with the birthday girl (and Jack at times). Jack stayed busy with Uncle Adam, Grandpa and Grandma and of course toys while mommy helped with pictures. Thanks to you too, Jack! Hmm, maybe Aunt Michelle can teach Kendall her skills? Thanks for all of your help, Aunt Michelle!
One of Kendall’s gifts was a rocking horse. She loved it! It’s a bit bigger then the one she got for Christmas but this didn’t stop her from rocking and playing. I had to pry her off of it.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Kendall is ONE!
The day has finally arrived. The day that changed our lives in an amazing way. The day we will remember, minute by minute always and forever. The day Kendall Harper Grant was welcomed into this world. It’s Kendall’s FIRST birthday. Time has flown by in a blink of an eye. I can’t believe Kendall is already one! It has been an amazing year and I can tell you, I now know what it feels like to fall in love, every single day. I continue to thank God for our amazing daughter. She is one of a kind and I’m so very glad we were chosen to be her parents.
The weather didn’t cooperate too well for the birthday girl so we had to spend a lot of the day inside. Daddy was sick so Kendall and I spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa’s house preparing for the big party. I have still been improvising with cameras and unfortunately didn’t get too many pictures of our days events. Oh yeah, I have vacation time left so I get to be with my baby girl today through next Monday. Thank. You. Life Care!!
Kendall practiced her piano skills….and she played with magnets and my iPhone (picture on the right, self portrait). We ran some birthday party errands and had lots of playtime in between naps and snacks.
We headed home to have some dinner before presents and cake. One of her favorites was this handy, dandy vacuum. It has light up music notes and plays Mozart which she quickly figured out how to make work. She’s so smart. The part in the middle spins when you push it which she thinks is quite funny. Maybe she’ll learn early what chores are about.
Before cake, Kendall and I played with some bubbles. Talk about entertainment. She would look for more after each time all of the bubbles popped. At one point she was popping them with her head and nose, laughing the whole time (please excuse the red eye/blurriness).
Then it was time for cake. Grandma and Grandpa Singer and Lindy and Granddaddy came over to join in the celebration. She wasn’t too sure about all of the singing and of course I couldn’t find the candle I bought and the cake was too small to write on, but it all worked out.
She wasn’t too sure what to do with the cake when I put it in front of her. But, with a dab of icing from mom’s finger, it didn’t take long for her to stick her
fingers hand right in (yes, I know it’s chocolate cake but that was pure accident. She does not get chocolate at her tiny age just yet).Kendall enjoyed the cake very much and I am excited to see how she will do with her true, yellow smash cake on Saturday for her party. She didn’t like the clean up part too well. What a face!
Today was so special! I am thankful I could be off from work to be able to spend my precious ONE YEAR OLD’s birthday with her. I can’t wait to tell her one day all about the day she changed my life. I hope she will be as amazed about it as me.
You are ONE, baby girl! I remember the day you were born like it was just yesterday. I think I blinked too many times. It just doesn’t seem possible that you are already one. This year has been incredible and it will only get better. You mean the world to your daddy and me. You are learning new things daily and have started to become a little copy cat. I love it! If you see me do something, most of the time you will do it right back. You still just have two teeth but you eat like you have more. Your favorite right now is veggie burgers and most any fruit. We are still working on some finger foods and vegetables aren’t your strong point right now. We have changed your car seat to front facing and you enjoy it very much. There are so many things to come and I look forward to each one of them but please don’t grow too fast!
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy