Monday, January 10, 2011

Twelve month well check

Today was Kendall’s one year check up and it wasn’t like any other.  She did not want to be there.  I think from all of her previous well visits to the office, she has remembered what the doctor’s office is all about…getting shots.  This was the first time she cried on the scale.  She reached out for me and I wanted to pick her up so bad, poor baby.imageOnce we were in the room, she was occupied with my phone before the doctor came in but only for a little bit.  Even the fun exam paper couldn’t crack a smile from this one year old! imageWe didn’t get to see Dr. Nordby today so we saw Dr. Etheridge.  Kendall didn’t know what to think when he walked in.  She warmed up to him slightly until he had to do her exam.  She didn’t want anything to do with him then.  Dr. Etheridge gave Kendall a clean bill of health and even said she was very advanced in her motor skills, as she attempted to climb into the swivel chair that was in the room.  Kendall got four shots, today and a finger stick to check her hemoglobin.  She was an absolute pro with the finger stick (Hgb 11.9) but did not like the shots, of course.  Overall, she had a good visit and we will go back again in three months for another well check.

                                                            Height: 32 inches – 97th percentile                                             

                                                          Weight: 22 pounds – 70th percentile

                                            Head circumference: 45 centimeters – 50th percentile

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