These are some of the most recent random pictures of our TWO year old, soon to be big sister. She’s so funny lately. I wish I could capture her actions and personality on video every day!!
Side note: if Ethan doesn’t make an appearance before February 6, we will be induced at 6am on that day!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Just because
Sunday, January 15, 2012
36 weeks
It’s reaching the point where the weeks begin to drag by. Four weeks can seem like forever but four days can go by even slower. Ethan continues to be a mover and seems to be moving so much more at this stage then I can remember Kendall doing. I don’t have any complaints other then my uniform is getting to be uncomfortable because it is not a maternity style and I can’t get up and down as quickly when I play with Kendall. Soon enough things will be so fu!!.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Two year old well check
Kendall was perfect when we went to see Dr. Nordby. She cooperated while she was weighed and was so very still when she had to be measured for her height. I was so proud and happy. I was sure she would pitch a fit as she had the previous times we had to go to the doctor. Thankfully she did not have to get any shots at this visit. I’m hoping this will make for flawless visits in the future. We actually had a fun time while we talked with Dr. Nordby and Kendall checked out with another clean bill of health. She HAD to have the stickers on her belly and “lay on pillow” which was no more then an incline in the table. She made sure to scoot all the way to the top!
We had some fruit snacks to help with the wait too, however, they weren’t really needed!
Height: 36 inches – 93rd percentile
Weight: 27 1/2 pounds – 60th percentile
Head circumference: 48 centimeters – 63rd percentile
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Ethan’s Shower
I am so thankful for my family and friends that joined together to celebrate the soon to be arrival of our sweet baby boy. Michelle, and two friends- Rachel and Karly hosted a very nice brunch at a local restaurant. It was perfect! Ethan is already loved and spoiled so much and I can’t wait to introduce him to all of those that love him.
It’s gone! It’s gone!
The pacifier is officially gone! I have to admit I didn’t consistently try to get rid of the paci in the last few months. I knew Kendall was going to be transitioning with a lot of new things and I was trying to pick my battles. Well, I think she decided she was done with it all on her own. I couldn’t find it this morning when she woke up and she saw me searching for it. We left her room and I got ready for Ethan’s baby shower. I told Ryan about not finding it and said “good luck during nap time.” I went to look for it (without her) before I left and I found it against the wall, resting on her bed frame and put it in her dresser drawer. Ryan knew about the hiding spot. Well, in the middle of the baby shower I get a text that says, “she’s asleep with no paci.” I was so excited. She didn’t even make a big deal about it. Ryan said, “we can’t find it” and she was okay with that. Needless to say, that was that and we’ll see how things go! Way to go, big girl!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Kendall’s Art Party
I had a lot of fun planning Kendall’s 2nd birthday party with the help of Pinterest. I decided to have the party at an art studio so that each child could paint something and take it home with them. It worked out perfectly and with less mess for me to clean up if I would have had it at home like last year. Here is your WARNING of the picture overload, enjoy! Thank you to my sister and mother in law for all of these great pictures! I really appreciate all of them!
Happy birthday party day to you sweet girl! I really enjoyed making these chocolate covered Oreos to snack on and I think they were a hit with everyone! You just can’t resist chocolate on an Oreo! Thankfully they weren’t too messy!
Along with the ceramic each attendee chose to paint, I made Rice Krispie treat paint brushes to hand out as a thank you! One of the Pinterest ideas (along with the Oreos).
Possibly Picasso was the name of the studio and the staff was very helpful in helping the kiddos pick out which animal they wanted to paint. I think the most popular was the pony and monkey. I missed out on getting a picture of all the final products but check out these faces of concentration…adults included! Kendall wanted to paint a dragon.
I think Uncle Randy had just as much fun as Sullivan, painting their Steelers penguin.
Once everyone was done painting, it was time for cupcakes and presents. I saw the idea to make cupcakes in mason jars (on Pinterest) and loved it. They almost looked like paint jars.
We hadn’t practiced with blowing out candles so I didn’t know how Kendall would do. She needed some help from mommy and daddy and blew out her 2 candles in three tries.
Sweet girl was all about the icing and tried to stick her face in the jar. She had icing in her hair, on her face, up her nose and managed to get some in her mouth. She was a hoot! i think I should have brought spoons instead of forks, oops!!
And some presents…
We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and we thank you for celebrating with us. Our 2 year old had so much fun and it was clearly evident when she went to bed that night.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Kendall is TWO!!
It can be said over and over, “time flies” and it is truly evident when you have a child. They grow so fast and do new things in the blink of an eye. It’s amazing to me that Kendall is already two. I could go on and on about the things she says and does but it just doesn’t do it justice unless you interact with her. She has developed such a personality and is quite the character.
I brought her to day care for half a day on her birthday because she has recently started in a new classroom and I didn’t want to interrupt the transitioning phase (plus I wanted to bring cupcakes to her class). I was off from work that day so I picked her up right after lunch and we enjoyed the rest of the day. I love this first thing in the morning sleepy eye, say “cheese” picture. When we got to the day care, this sign was outside of her door. And my cupcakes that I made decided to topple over in the car so they are somewhat pitiful looking. I didn’t get any pictures of all of the kids enjoying the cupcakes because I was too busy passing the cupcakes out. I think Kendall ate one un-iced cupcake and chose to lick the icing off two, just in the time I was there.
When daddy got home from work, we opened some presents and then headed to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. She is so fast these days, I think most of the pictures were of the back of her head or very blurry. The only time she was really still was sitting on the Barney ride, dancing with the stationary Chuckie and to eat. Smarty pants knows how to ask for money for rides too!
In typical non-photographer Lindsey fashion, I forgot to take a picture of the uncut cake and did not have a single candle (or two) for our baby girl to blow out. That did not bother her and she knew exactly what to do with every bit of cake that was on her plate.
It has been an incredible two years and I can’t even imagine how much joy and happiness Kendall will bring in the years to come. She has made my heart bigger and I smile every day because of her. So many people love you, sweet girl! Happy 2nd Birthday to you!