We had a full day planned for Sunday so we headed out early to beat the heat and the crowds.
First stop, Hawaiian Rumble miniature golf. Kendall fell asleep on the way there, as it was just reaching her nap time. I stayed in the car with her and when she woke up, we met everyone on hole 12. Kendall was quite impressed with the golf ball and golf club but mostly the hole at the end of the green. Thankfully, she has some understanding family members who let her take a turn with their club and a ball. When her turn was done, she decided it was much easier to use her hand to get the ball in the hole then it was to use the golf club. Practice makes perfect, sweet girl! Maybe Jack can teach you one day?(sorry about the shadows)Daddy tried showing her how to putt so then she showed him where the hole was. Love it!
We stopped for lunch after golf and then back to the resort for naps, swimming, tanning and just plain relaxation! Dinner was on the agenda and then to Wonder Works. What a site to see! This attraction opened in April and has welcomed many people through their doors. The building itself is enough to spark your interest. I didn’t get to take many pictures when we were inside, as I was
watching chasing Kendall. Ryan, Sullivan and Randy tested their skills at beam, rope and stair climbing. Boy, did they have fun! I think Ryan talked about it the entire next day.
There are a few more pictures to share but I don’t have them yet (they are from Lindy’s camera) but I will have to prove we laid on a bed of nails, I promise!