Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sixteen months old

Another month older, and yes, still only TWO teeth.  I know one day “they’ll come” like everyone says but I just wonder when.  It is not hindering you from eating although with more teeth I’m hoping there will come a bigger variety of what you like to eat.  You still enjoy the same staples (chicken fingers, mac and cheese, any fruit, cheese and veggie burgers) and will try new things, sometimes, when I give them to you.  imageYou love to run, dance, jump and climb all of the time.  Your little feet can get you from one room to the next in no time, I think you should have the nickname Flash.  You have started to tell everyone what you want by grabbing their finger and taking them in the direction of where you want to go.  Outside, upstairs, the kitchen and the piano room and frog (where the Big Fish is) at Grandma and Grandpa’s are a few of your favorite places. You definitely are able to get your point across and your needs known. 

These are two sweet pictures I had to share. Thank goodness for easy access of my iPhone.imageYour vocabulary is growing daily and I love to try to figure out what you are wanting to say.  You can make a cow and a horse sound.  You have also started trying to sing your ABC’s but only get as far as A-B and then you want mom to finish the song.  I sing to you in the car a lot and that is one of your favorites.  I have also completely left out the milestone that you have been in your toddler bed for almost a month with just a side rail on the open end.  No more crib for you, my little climber.  The toddler bed has been a success until just this week when you figured out how to move the pillow at the opening, to get in and out.  Thankfully your bed is at a perfect height that you cannot get hurt if you decide to climb out.  It has been so fun watching you grow and I love that there is always something new every day.  I;m excited to see what the next month will bring. (Hopefully teeth, hee hee!)

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