Monday, March 26, 2012

Two month well check

Time has already flown by and it’s time for Ethan to start getting shots. How can it be?  I truly feel like I was just here with Kendall.  Ethan was not a fan of the scale.  These were the only pictures I could get on the scale.  I had to pick my sweet boy up quickly and make him feel better.  imageDr. Nordby had all good things to say about Ethan.  One of the concerns I had was with him grunting, mainly at night.  I told her about a few things I had noticed and she asked me if I had noticed a couple things as well. Turns out, he has a mild case of reflux.  I would have never expected it.  We left the office with a prescription for Zantac to see if it will help. image Definitely not the best quality of pictures but I had to get what I could when I wasn’t holding Ethan.  He wasn’t the happiest patient at this visit.  He’ll get used to it though.  He looks happy here but little did he know the shots were coming.  There was little to no crying from our big boy and the most of it came when the needle was removed, after the medicine went in his little leg.image                                                           Height: 23 1/4 inches – 50th percentile

                                                           Weight: 14.3 pounds – 90th percentile

                                              Head circumference: 41 centimeters – 95th percentile

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Sweet sweet baby. I am so sorry that he has the reflux problem but so happy that Dr. Nordby got right on it. Cannot believe how fast he is growing!! Thanks be to God for a beautiful healthy baby. Thanks be to you and Ryan for our beautiful grandchildren who make our lives so special!!