Monday, June 11, 2012

Four month well check

When we went in for Ethan’s appointment, Dr. Nordby said, “wow he’s a big boy.”  She asked what he was eating and I told her he was still just nursing, she was quite surprised.  I didn’t get too many pictures because little man did not like to be on the scale nor did he like the table paper.  Not to mention big sister was tagging along.imageimageEthan checked out healthy as a horse although one small diagnosis was given.  He has torticollis, also known as wry neck.  This condition is due to the tightening of a muscle in the neck.  He will require some outside physical therapy along with the help from everyone around him at home, to help strengthen and stretch this muscle.  It does not bother him and it is not painful.  Dr. Nordby said this condition is easy to fix and should only take a few months to correct itself.

                                                        Height: 26 1/2 inches – 90th percentile

                                                 Weight: 16 pounds 12 ounces – 70th percentile

                                           Head circumference: 44 centimeters – 98th percentile


Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay! Noah was diagnosed with torticollis at three months. We did physical therapy and did lots of exercises at home. Within a few months, he was all better! Itsvan easy fix!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay! Noah was diagnosed with torticollis at three months. We did physical therapy and did lots of exercises at home. Within a few months, he was all better! Itsvan easy fix!