We usually go to Middleton Park when Jack is in town but today we decided to head to Wannamaker County Park. It is a lot bigger and boy, was it packed. Kendall didn’t know where do begin and almost had this, “wow, I’ve never seen so many people!” look on her face.She tried out any and everything she could, that was at her level. She didn’t want much help from her mommy today. How can that be? She’s just 14 1/2 months old, she’s supposed to need me to hold her hand still. Well, she does, she just didn’t at the park. She wanted to be a big girl!
There are two sections of the park as well as a big hill that all the kids like to take a piece of cardboard to the top of and slide down. Jack was all over the place and him and Grandpa even made it to the top of the hill a few times, only to look, not to slide. When they were standing still long enough, these are the pictures I got of the sweet cousins.
Look at these baby faces! They are growing so fast and I could just kiss their cheeks all day.
Jack found a big stick and in the blink of an eye it was a golf club, a sword and a gun. Such an imagination on my sweet nephew. He wasn’t happy when we had to say bye to the stick but Grandpa quickly saved the day with a visit to the climbing wall where Jack took a quick break.
My sweet girl had so much fun at the park and even more so with this super size plastic cup. She could fill it up with stones, dump it out and repeat a time or two before she got bored with it. Jack was doing it first and of course Kendall followed behind, monkey see, monkey do!
We are so glad you could come to the park with us Jack! It was so much fun.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
At the park with Jack
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Over the weekend….
We had lots of fun! Friday we headed to Mt. Pleasant to celebrate Emory’s birthday. We didn’t make it to the party with all of the kids because it was during Kendall’s nap time but we did enjoy dinner afterward with all of the family. Saturday, after I ran my first 5K with my friends Rachel and Sabrina, we headed over for a play date. The weather was beautiful and Stryker has a lot of fun outside toys to play with. Kendall enjoyed jumping in the trampoline as long as she was the only one jumping. It took her a little bit longer to get used to it if Stryker jumped too. She just laughed and laughed when she was inside!
When we were done playing, we headed out to the annual, Old North Charleston block party for a St. Patty’s day celebration. This was our second year, as a group, heading out to the festivities. Last year we got rained out and by time we made it to the car, the rain was gone however, we headed home anyway. This year Kendall and Stryker enjoyed cookies, listening to the bands, dancing and watching all of the crazy adults dressed in green! It was a lot of fun this year and we definitely look forward to next years celebration. Such a fun tradition!
Sunday, we hung out around the house, played outside, went to the park, went to the grocery store and had an extra long bath…..lazy day. Sorry, no pictures on that day. I was too busy running after her and being somewhat sore after the run that photos weren’t on my list of priority.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Fourteen months old
So of course I have been slack, again with taking pictures but I will try to do better…again. There isn’t much new to report with lil’ miss. She’s another month older and silly and sweet as ever. She walks runs all over the place and is ever so fearless. She has learned how to get up on the couch and the coffee table with ease. She still has just two teeth but eats well. A few new words she has picked up on are “oh no,” “night night,” “uh oh,” and “bubble.” There are many times she’ll just look at you like “don’t you know what I’m saying to you?” She is quite the talker. A few times, I feel as if she has said “what’s that?” as she points to different things. I’m excited to hear her first few sentences one day. Below is one of her newest tricks. She sniffs her nose when she does this too. So cute!
Thank you for being such a sweet, happy girl! You have quite the personality these days and I look forward to every minute we spend together. You always make me laugh. We are so lucky to be your parents and to be able to watch you grow into the toddler you have become. You are a very good listener and seem to really understand what we say to you. You continue to love the outdoors and watching you explore everything you find is quite entertaining. You are growing daily and it seems as though in a blink of an eye you are tall enough to reach into drawers you once could barely see into. You remain in good health and we are so thankful for that. Thank you for being you, sweet pea!
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy